Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage in Pakistan


Certificate of No Impediment to Marriage in Pakistan:

Ones' marriage can stay "tasty", provided one is tolerant. However, in some extreme cases, they, your spouse's family can prove to 'be unbearable, and then the only way is to just stay clear of them before certificate of no impediment to marriage in Pakistan or single status certificate in Pakistan. Avoid confronting them directly do not be too articulate, but if you feel things are getting out of hand, then do confide in your spouse. Your soul mate will support you or at least give some justification for a particular attitude.

 To my mind the basic reason for being daggers drawn is fear. The husband's family is scared of losing their beloved son or brother. They fear that the wife will snatch him away from them or he will become hen pecked and not love them enough and will obtain Certificate of no impediment to marriage in Pakistan or single status certificate in Pakistan. Their fears are justified to some extent, as the son or brother, who used to give the whole time to his family before marriage, now has to give time to his wife. Same goes for the daughter and sister.

 This is the law of nature, work pressures, circumstances do change ones routine. None the less every loved one has a specific space in ones' heart, which can never be usurped by another.  Parents of the married couple should be confident of their upbringing before certificate of no impediment to marriage in Pakistan or single status certificate in Pakistan. They have always inculcated strong values and principles in their loved ones.

This will help one to keep a balance among relationships after obtaining Certificate of no impediment to marriage in Pakistan or single status certificate in Pakistan.  It is strange, that, in our part of the world, the wife's family is still considered to be on a weaker wicket and is always on the look out to please their daughter's in laws. Why do they have to feel so apologetic, is beyond comprehension. Gone are the days, when poor girls were married into rich families and her parents were treated like the plague.  Now people marry into their equal status. Neither are brides less educated nor do they come from a less affluent background.

With the exception of a few, couples now 'fall in love' with eyes wide open  The new bride fears losing respect and always tries to be 'perfect' and pleases everyone related to her husband's family parents, siblings relatives and even old servants!  This is modern age believes in equality of sexes, families and Certificate of no impediment to marriage in Pakistan or single status certificate in Pakistan. One must do the needful but at the same time not go overboard in pleasing the in laws.  No doubt a wife has 'to give in more but this can only be possible if her efforts are reciprocated, by her soul mate and his family. The other extreme, consists of those so called emancipated wives, who expect all her husband's family to jump out of the window as soon as her royal highness (wife) enters the palace (house). In such circumstances, the husband needs to be firm and stand by his family when and if the need arises to do so.  
